This is not a physical activity, but it’s so cute it has to be included! Help your kids create a frozen scene straight from their imaginations! And as an added benefit, get rid of some of those pesky plastic figurines lying around the house, that you step on daily…

What you’ll need:

  • Any jar: Baby-food, pimiento, or olive jars
  • Plastic or ceramic figurines of your choice
  • Sandpaper
  • Clear-drying epoxy, superglue, hot glue gun
  • Distilled water
  • Glitter
  • Glycerin (available at drugstores)
  • Oil-based enamel paint (to paint the lids)

Paint the jar lids if you’d like, or skip this step. Sand the inside of the lid so the surface is rough. Glue the figurine to the inside of the lid and allow to dry.

Fill jar almost to the top with distilled water; add a pinch of glitter and a bit of glycerin, which keeps the glitter from falling too quickly. Too much will make the glitter stick to the bottom when you flip the jar.

Screw on the lid tightly, being careful not to dislodge the figurine. Glue on if you’re worried your child might try to open it! Shake or tip jar and…let it snow!